Frequently asked questions


Q1: Can we stay overnight in the themed houses within the private camping sites?

A: The themed houses are only intended for daytime usage and photography, overnight stays or lodging are not allowed. Visitors are welcome to rent the themed houses for leisure activities, parties, gatherings, barbecues, or photography purposes during the day.

Q2: Do we have to confirm the number of visitors when booking a room?

According to COVID-19 social gathering policies, each room should only contain 4-12 people at once, and each camping tent 4 people at once, except for family members living together. Depending on the area o each private camping site, 1 to 3 tents can be set up, as long as not over 4 people are staying in each tent.

Q3: Can your facilities be booked for shorter periods? When can we leave the site?

A: Each rental slot includes 20 hours of usage time. You may enter the private sites starting from 3 PM, and leave before 11 AM the next day. During the rental period, you may enter or leave the sites as needed.

Q4: Will electricity and water be provided?

A: Yes, the camp provides electricity and water 24 hours a day. Before you leave the site, please be reminded to turn off all electrical appliances, lights, and air conditioners, and help us protect the planet by minimizing energy consumption.

Q5: Will Wi-Fi be provided?

A: Yes, the site has installed Wi-Fi for free use, but please understand that the connection may not be stable due to the rural location of the site.

Q6: How to get there?

A: Yau Tam Mei Holiday Camp is located at Yuen long Ngau Tam Mei Village. Both public transportation or private car are available. Please find out more from << GETTING THERE >>

Q6: What is the terms for booking conformation & cancellation?

Confirmation :

  • Klook will confirm the booking in 1 working day, and you will receive an email confirmation of your purchase that will contain an admission voucher. Please contact us if you have not received the email in your inbox or spam folder.

Cancellation :

  • Excluding events of Typhoon 8 or Red and Black rain, confirmed bookings cannot be rescheduled and are non-refundable.

  • If the site is closed due to unforeseen weather conditions, you may ask for rescheduling or a full refund. Please contact our support team for further enquiries.






問3 : 我們可以只租幾個小時嗎?我們可以早點離開營區嗎?







答:元朗攸潭美農樂營 – 元朗牛潭尾路攸潭尾村(攸潭美村公所附近)。可乘搭小巴或自駕前往, 詳情請瀏覽 <<如何前往>



  • KLOOK會在預訂成功後1個工作日內確認,並將使用憑證發送至你的電郵信箱。如未有於收件箱或垃圾郵件箱中收到憑證,請盡快透過電郵聯絡我們。


  • 除8號風球或紅黑雨,不設改期及退款

  • 營辦商或因不可抗力或未能預見的情況取消預訂(例如惡劣天氣),如遇類似情況,你可以改期或要求全額退款