Terms of Use

Confirmation Details

  • Klook will confirm the booking in 1 working day, and you will receive an email confirmation of your purchase that will contain an admission voucher. Please contact us if you have not received the email in your inbox or spam folder.


  • Excluding events of Typhoon 8 or Red and Black rain, confirmed bookings cannot be rescheduled and are non-refundable.

  • If the site is closed due to unforeseen weather conditions, you may ask for rescheduling or a full refund. Please contact our support team for further enquiries.



  • KLOOK會在預訂成功後1個工作日內確認,並將使用憑證發送至你的電郵信箱。如未有於收件箱或垃圾郵件箱中收到憑證,請盡快透過電郵聯絡我們。


  • 除8號風球或紅黑雨,不設改期及退款

  • 營辦商或因不可抗力或未能預見的情況取消預訂(例如惡劣天氣),如遇類似情況,你可以改期或要求全額退款