Introducing The Dream House Villa 您的夢幻私人理想鄉

Equipped with private gardens and jacuzzis, rooftop igloos, and camping tents, our Dream House Villa is quite possibly what dreams are made of.

 Room Facilities

With every room including your very own private garden of 220-700 sq. ft, rooftop camping space and gadgets, a romantic star-gazing igloo, and barbecue utensils for a private grill, we want to offer you the best outdoor experiences without the hassle.

每個營舍均設有私人主題遊樂休憩空間,酒店式配套:包括全新獨立洗手間、冷熱水沐浴裝置、冷氣設備、電熱水煲,讓您配帶最少裝備,即可體驗露營樂趣。私人花園紮營用地 (220尺 - 700尺不等),提供獨立戶外燒烤設備,私隱度極高。


 The Rooms 主題體驗小屋

10 dream houses provide private gardens for barbecue utensils and camping, some are facilitated with rooftop star-gazing igloos. BBQ set and entrance ticket are inclusive.

十間主題體驗小屋連私人花園提供獨立戶外燒烤設備、可作紮營用地。部分連天台觀星圓拱帳篷。房間套餐已包括入場門票&BBQ Set.

  • Aegean Sea 希臘愛琴海

    20 Hrs【Aegean Sea】Photography Recreation Room + Open kitchen (6 ppl)


  • Bohemia 波希米亞

    20 Hrs【 Bohemia 】Photography Recreation Room + Open kitchen (6 ppl)


  • Windsor Castle 溫莎堡

    20 Hrs【 Windsor Castle 】Photography Recreation Room + Roof Dome Tent (6 ppl)


  • Edinburgh 愛丁堡

    20 Hrs【Edinburgh】Photography Recreation Room + Roof Dome Tent (6 ppl)

    20小時【 愛丁堡 】觀星攝影遊樂室租賃+天台圓拱帳蓬(6人用)

  • Space NASA 宇宙太空

    20 Hrs 【Space NASA】Photography Recreation Room + Roof Dome Tent (6 ppl)


  • Apollo Spaceship 阿波羅飛船

    20 Hrs 【Apollo Spaceship】Photography Recreation Room + Roof Dome Tent (6 ppl)

    20小時【阿波羅飛船 】觀星攝影遊樂室租賃+天台圓拱帳蓬(6人用)

  • Nurburgring 紐堡賽道

    20 Hrs 【Nurburgring】Photography Recreation Room + Roof Dome Tent (6 ppl)


  • Amazon Rainforest 阿馬遜森林

    20 Hrs 【Amazon Rainforest】Photography Recreation Room + Roof Dome Tent (6 ppl)


  • Phuket 布吉府

    20 Hrs 【Phuket】Photography Recreation Room + Mega-sized Private Garden 500 ft and Camping Space (for 6 people)


  • Grand Royal Thai 泰國皇宮

    20 Hrs  【Grand Royal Thai with Jacuzzi】 Photography Recreation Room + Mega-sized Private Garden 700 ft and Camping Space (for 6 people)

    20小時【泰國皇宮】with or without Jacuzzi 攝影遊樂室租賃+特大私人花園及露營空間(6人用)

  • 5小時 歐式小木屋 (前花園)

    Karaoke Dream House 小木屋卡拉OK房 (前花園)

    5 Hrs 【Dream House Karaoke】with Front Garden + BBQ Activities Package (for 10 people) Day/Night Time Use

    5小時【小木屋卡拉OK房 (前花園) 日/夜間】 BBQ玩樂包房套餐(10人用)

  • Kyoto 京都府 大木屋卡拉OK房 (前後大花園)

    5 Hrs 【Kyoto Dream House】with Front & Back Garden + BBQ Activities Package (for 15 people) Day/Night Time Use


  • England Vintage Lounge 復古英倫廳

    5 Hrs 【England Vintage Lounge Bar & Glass Dream House】BBQ Activities Package (for 20-35 people) Day/Night use

    5小時【大木屋前後大花園 (英式主題)】BBQ玩樂包房套餐(20-35人用)日/夜間使用

  • Multi-Purpose Function Room 多用途大活動室

    5-10 Hrs【Multi-purpose Function Room】 (for 120+ people). Suitable for conference, corporate training, workshops etc. Basic equipment, chairs and tables, catering are available.


A New Way to Networking & Collaborate 社交活動&團隊建立的嶄新方向